Unique extraction method combines the best of nature and science

The secret of Cognicore® Daily is active, organic phytonutrition based mainly on broccoli,parsakaali turmeric and selenium. To get the guaranteed amount of active ingredients
and the optimal concentration, broccoli sprouts must grow under defined light and temperature conditions and be harvested at a carefully chosen time. The whole process from selected seed to finished substance is carefully controlled and monitored so that no generative substances are lost. The principles behind production and the active ingredients are both unique, and are the result of comprehensive international scientific research An extensive research and development programme in conjunction with leading neuroscientists at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden has resulted in the development of the active ingredient SynopticodeTM 1236.

The brain is your most demanding organ – take care of it!

Until quite recently science did not know how we could influence vital brain functions like memory and intelligence through nutrition or dietary supplements. Nor was it known that it is actually possible to help slow the natural ageing process.

Scientists have now learned more about the brain’s capacity for self-repair and recovery,
even after injury. And that it is possible to influence and improve your mental health through correct nutrition.

Cognicore® is derived from modern neurological research. When the active ingredients reach the cell nucleus by helping to activate Nrf2, the body’s own defence mechanisms kick in, a sequence of events that only a few naturally occurring substances can initiate. By helping to start the powerful flow of the body’s own processes, Cognicore® Daily can help protect and repair cell functions. It can also help you tolerate stress better.


Articles about the broccoli effect


A genomic screen for activators of the antioxidant response element

DJ-1, a cancer- and Parkinson's disease-associated protein, stabilizes the antioxidant transcriptional master regulator Nrf2

Extremely potent triterpenoid inducers of the phase 2 response: Correlations of protection against oxidant and inflammatory stress

Induction of phase 2 genes by sulforaphane protects retinal pigment epithelial cells against photooxidative damage

Modifying specific cysteines of the electrophile-sensing human Keap1 protein is insufficient to disrupt binding to the Nrf2 domain Neh2

Nrf2 mediates cancer protection but not prolongevity induced by caloric restriction

Sulforaphane induces cell type–specific apoptosis in human breast cancer cell lines

Sulforaphane: Its Potential for Treatment of Breast Cancer

Utility of siRNA against Keap1 as a strategy to stimulate a cancer chemopreventive phenotype

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